Bragg Creek Comp
This weekend just flew by! Of course I had to work on Saturday, so that never helps with the whole "I have a two day weekend" thing!!
Friday night was faily relaxing with mini-golf and dinner at Ryan's. We had the Frenchman over as well...I will admit, I'm still in awe when it came to cleaning up dinner. They made me sit and drink my wine while they cleaned up everything!! I'm not used to that - haha!! It was an early night as work starts early Saturday morning - blah!!
Saturday, once I was done work, I headed to the gym to climb with Chandra for a bit. Jon showed up as well and we had a short bouldering session too. I didn't work too hard though, as I was invited to a competition that evening out in Bragg Creek.
I met up with Pepe in the afternoon to head out to the comp. It was an interesting set up...The comp was held by a fellow climber, Dominique, who has built a bouldering wall in his 3-car garage. This was his third annual competition and it's by invite only that you may compete (my invite was solely through association). About 20 people showed up - I recognized most of them - and we were allowed 3 hours to climb. There were 30 different problems, each one worth 10 points, every fall you took attempting the problem you subtracted one point.
Number of problems I completed - zero!
Part way through the evening though, I realized this competition was set up for the small group of climbers who were invited - all of whom are excellent climbers (one of them even a professional). I didn't feel so bad then! I figure I added some entertainment value as well...I certainly still attempted lots of different problems and laughed lots!
After climbing, we visited, ate tons of food, drank beer and played a few games. Ryan and I didn't stay too long (he showed up late as he was taking a course during the day) which was fine by me...I could hardly keep my eyes open on the way home!
Sunday was the perfect rainy day...I felt no pangs of guilt staying home and doing nothing all day! I think my body truly appreciated that as well!
Here's a photo of Ryan and Cathy climbing - photos of me are on someone elses camera (hopefully some day I'll get some copies for me to laugh at!)

So you got a negative score? That sucks. Looks tough though.
is that girl really hanging upside-down? craziness!
Yes! She made it look sooooo easy. I tried and fell off practically before I was on - haha!!
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