The Fish Mongress

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Weekend Up-Date

It's busy this week for me as Bossy Boss is away on holidays for the week (I have to admit, Bossy has not been so bossy lately - rather nice!!) and now I have to figure out how to do his job and mine. Stressful at times, but I'm getting through it.

I had a fantastic they often seem to be...I actually got Friday off from work! Wow!! I didn't really know what to do with myself, so I ran some errands, visited some friends and hung out with Ryan after work. I'll get better at using these days off though as I apparently have a few "Friday's off" coming my way. Yay!!!

Saturday ended up being a lazy day. Got my hair cut (nothing drastic!) and then spent most of the afternoon and evening visiting with mom.

Sunday I was supposed to go climbing with Chandra - but apparently the bull riding she did during Stampede caused some damage to her ankle and climbing was out. So I hooked up with Rye and troops and we headed out to Acephale. I always find it a bit embareassing to have to say (but everything at Acephale is really hard!) but the route I'm working there is the warm up! Haha!! It's actually called "The 11a Warm Up". And yes, it is an 11a (if you know climbing routes, you now know why I'm working it!). I will be so psyched if I can send this route by the end of summer!


At 11:54 AM, Blogger The Experience said...

Damn you and your! I am currently being shamed by!

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Alanis said...

I'm excited - I free-pointed the warm up this weekend. Another couple days out there and I should red-point it!!


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