It's a step up?!
This past Friday the CCC had a bouldering competition and crazy me attempted it. Okay (and I know it's just excuses), I was exhausted after work - to the point that I was trying to stall so that I could possibly be late enough to not compete. Apparently some little voice within really wanted me to go and make an ass of myself though, so I made it just in time to start and competed. Now my goal this competition (I've been in two before for anyone counting) was to not come in last place (as i did in the first comp - have no idea how i did in the second on though). I entered in the female intermediate catagory and climbed my tired little heart out (did I mention I was really tired?).
My lovely photographer and chearing section - Chandra

So the results were up at the gym today...I came in 11th place!!!! (There were only 11 girls in my catagory!!) Next comp is Jan 19th - hopefully I will do better.
(Y - fantastic!! 6th place!!)
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