Happy New Year!!
Well it's the beginning of a new year and I have a feeling this is going to be a great year! First off, I started the year without a hangover (that truly is a first for this gal!) and secondly, I finally got to move into my condo - YEAH!! I really don't know how much better it can get?!
Had a fabulous time at Reid and Joe's on New Year's Eve. They are so sweet; it was Reid's birthday that same day so they had a birthday cake for him, me and their friend Curtis. So considerate! And they know how to do a party up right, tons of food, wonderful martini's, party hats and noise makers (they forewent the ballons having found out my fear of them - also very considerate).

The Birthday Crew - Curtis, Alanis & Reid
A poor attempt at a Madonna Impersonation
Thank you boys for the fantastic night!! Also made a new friend Tracey, and I look forward to holidays in Kelowna and climbing in Skaha with her this summer!! Tracey I'm still considering the "pass it forward" you offered...maybe!
January 2nd marked the first day in my new condo...very exciting for a moment and then just cleaning for the rest of the day. I do wish I had taken more time off of work this week to work on things at home, but I guess working will help pay the bills as well. So this week, all my evenings will be filled with cleaning, prep work and painting and then finally Sunday (if everything goes well) I will be moved in! The excitement comes back again!
I'm so happy we could all celebrate together! It was so much fun. Thanks for coming. Glad to hear things are going well on the new-house-getting-things-organized front.
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