Craziness of a Time
I'm going to apologize now for the few posts you're going to see over the next month or is just way too busy and having a computer only at work, there isn't much time to blog. So I'm going to try and get a good one in today and then it may be the New Year before there's any more.

I'm trying to calm things down a bit this week, but I don't think I'm being too successful at it. The realization that Christmas is just around the corner and then moving a couple of weeks after that is looming rather heavily on me. So this week holds lots of phone calls to set up things like phone/utilities/etc. (Oh by the way, I just signed all the papers this morning so it is truly all official now!), finish Christmas shopping, dance on Wednesday, get a visit in with Kelly (that's the next kitty-sitting job), bake cookies on Friday and Saturday, 2 Christmas parties to attend Saturday night and drive mom to the airport for Mexico (yeah, that's a 6am appointment). I keep thinking that I'll be so happy once January comes and the craziness is over, but then I realize that it's only going to be different kind of crazy - really, when is my life not crazy?! Maybe I'll be back to "normal crazy" soon.
Any way, I hope everyone reading this is doing well and if I don't get the chance in person to do so I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year!
What is your rate for cat-sitting? How much for two or three drop-ins during the week in January when Joe and I are in Texas?
When are you away and for how long? I usually charge $100 for the week, but that's to live there as just dropping in - we could hash out an appropriate rate.
That's the dog that made all the noise? She does look stuffed.
I know, she reminds me of a Gund toy...and she's soft like one too! But yes, she truly is a live dog!
Congrats on the place. That is going to cause a new layer of craziness to your life... trust me! At least you will maintain the same address for a while, my vagrant friend. Hope you have a great holiday season (remember to actually take a moment and relax and enjoy it) and happy early Birthday! I am sure I will talk to you before then.
It is funny that I am the person who took that blog photo... It's a pretty funny shot!
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