I realize that I'm really behind but lots been happening and I don't have access to a computer as often any more...makes it rather difficult to post with no computer! So What's new:
The Calgary Climbing Centre had their 10 year anniversary (one year late) last weekend. It was so much fun! I have to admit that when I got there, I didn't think I knew anybody, but as I was waiting to check my coat, I realized that I knew almost everyone...just didn't recognize them without chalk bags and harnesses! Everyone looked smashing, there was a buffet dinner, lots of drinks, a fantastic MC (Ryan you rock!), an awards ceremony, a climbing movie and even a live band (Ryan you rock!!). The evening was a blast, but short lived for some (damn work on Saturday morning
$&@!$%!!). Just a few shots below of the event:
The Pepe Bros and Moi

Rye - MC-ing and Band playing
Rye & Walson (founder of CCC)
Saturday was rather lame for me...having to work...but exciting at the same time...working my last Saturday at the office!! Yes that's right folks, the promotion actually happened! I am now the General Manager of the fish market! Yeah!! I wasn't singing praises on Saturday however...what a way to sick it to me one last time. Work at the office from 7am to noon and then straight to the market and stay there until 6:30pm. Too long a day after the CCC gala is you ask me! By the end of the day, it took all the energy I had to not cry I was so tired (it's a girl thing!). I was so happy that Rye was extremely hung over that day (of course feeling poorly for him as well - it's not fun being hung over) and bed time was very early for the both of us (I love it when things work out that way!!). I think he learnt though, the one question you do not ask me when my feet hurt and I'm over tired is "Do you want to go to Bataan tomorrow?"
I still went to Bataan Sunday (yes, I'm crazy - but that's why you all love me!). I will admit that it was not with great enthusiasm in the morning, but like most days where I know there's a 1.56 hour constant up-hill, gruling hike, I'm not enthusiastic until we've reached the top...then the day gets good. We had one other crazy with us, Tracy, and we only managed to do 2 climbs each - these short winter days don't mesh well with outdoor climbing - really cold rock (really who needs feeling in their finger tips when climbing) and the sun goes away quickly. We did almost see an awesome event on our hike up...two mountain goats almost ramming heads...or at least we were hoping they would...it didn't happen.
Waiting for the ramming
Surviving the day

Now almost another week has passed...it's Thursday and I've decided - being the GM and all (okay also having my staff threatening to yell at me if I did show up) to take the day off. Really not doing much...really must get a start on the day soon...soon it will be time to end the day!