The Fish Mongress

Monday, January 30, 2006

Babies, babies, babies!

Had a good weekend up in the Chuck...well actually Spruce Grove, but close enough. My middle cousin Dave and his wife Tina, just had a baby boy December 22nd, so of course we all had to make the trip up for the baby shower. It can all be rather depressing seeing them all. Three cousins, all of them around my sister's and my age, all of them married, all of them now either have a baby or are pregnant! And all live in beautiful homes (I swear, my whole condo would fit in Tina and Dave's master bedroom!!) I sometimes wonder if my sister and I will ever get it together!! Just the same, I always do enjoy seeing them all, and wish I could get it together to make the trip up there more often. My cousins are some of the best story tellers you could ever meet. Seeing them more often could be one of my "late" new years resolutions...I'll just have to see how I make out with that.

Baby Ryan with proud mom

Big cousin Henry with Daddy Bruce

All the Cuz - Jeff, Anita, David, Heather, Tina & Bruce

Questions for Jon

1. You are a very active, outdoorsy person with your foot in a lot of different sports and activities. If you were only able to choose one activity to do for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

2. Lots of people have a flare for music, but much of your collection is on did you get into collecting records and which one was your first purchase or absolute favourte purchase?

3. You've been mentioning lately of your dislike of your job...not being busy enough, not enough training, etc. If you had the choice to do anything, anywhere you wanted too (career wise), would you stay in engineering or do something different?

4. What is your most endearing childhood memory?

5. If there was one moment in life that you could back and redo, whether you wanted to change the moment or re-live it, what moment would it be and why?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Viva La Mexica!!

Yes, that's right folks! It's that time of year again when I head off for sunny Puerto Vallarta!! In one and a half weeks, I will be laying on a beach, sipping back (okay chugging!) margaritas and feasting on wonderful Mexican delights!! I can hardly wait! Although, I have to admit, that I don't think I'm nearly as excited as there's some who's almost giddy in anticipation of our departure.

I promise to have a margarita/servesa/tequila/etc. for all of you!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Another Weekend Gone

Well here's my usual "weekend in review report." It seems to be about the only thing I blog about these days...Once I have internet access (plus a computer) at home, there will be more frequent posts - I promise. In the mean time, I have to steal time from work, which isn't always the easiest thing to do!

So my weekend - Friday night was a blast. I picked up my friend Melissa and she came over for dinner (at least that's what we call nacho chips and salsa!!) and then we headed out to Juan's Mexican Restaurant where I performed along with my salsa class mates! It was a good time - and good margaritas!! The performance was very quick and then I spent the rest of the night dancing with various gentlemen. It was tons of fun!

The Salsa Queens (Alanis, Melissa and Melanie )

The Salsa Kings (Mikeal, Rikki and Mohammad)

After our feet were tired of dancing, Melissa and I headed up to her neighbourhood pub, Pints and Half Pints, where we met her boyfriend Bart and his bro Randy. Stayed for some pints - of course - and some pool. It was off home to bed shortly after - these late nights are hard for this old couger to do any more!!

Saturday was a busy day, once I managed to drag my ass out of bed, I went and met Jon at the Climbing centre to get in my work out for the day and then we headed over to Metro Cafe for a quick bite of lunch...yummy Ruben!

Satuday evening was North Sea's Christmas Party at La Luna Rossa. My good friend Dave was my date, and we had a lovely evening of fantastic food (king crab legs, bruschetta and calamari for appetizers, salad, Chilean Seabass and Veal for dinner and Tiramisu for dessert!) and lots to drink.

Dave and I wondered over to the Reagle Beagle on 14th after for a couple more pints and one of our old "heart to hearts". Over all a wonderful night - until about 4:30 am when the vomitting and "runs" started...Sunday was not a pleasant day.

Not too sure what hit me (no I wasn't that hung over!!), but Sunday was spent in bed or bathroom.

Now it's back to the usual grind. I start puppy sitting tonight for my friends Brad & Derek, but other than that, I have a fairly quiet week. It's about time!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Answers to Jon's questions

Interview Questions for Alanis
1. You’ve said repeatedly that you despise working in the fish industry but you seem to keep going back to it. When are you going to move on and what do you plan on doing?

It's always so easy to go back to what you know and I know fish!! I think 2006 will be the year of better be, because I don't know how much longer I will survive at this job. What I plan on doing - I've always wanted to have my own business. Doing what - not entirely sure, but I really enjoy planning events/parties and make up.

2. You recently bought a condo, your very first place. Prior to that you were a professional house sitter and moved from place to place on a weekly and monthly basis. How does on go about becoming a professional house sitter?

It really all happened through word of mouth. You do it for one person and they tell people or you talk about when you were staying at so & so's looking after their snowballs really fast if you want it to. But a word of caution - it can be a lot of responsibility (actually having to go home on the weekends) and it can also get tiresome living out of a suitcase. Although it can also be a ton of fun!

3.Your Mom is constantly getting on you about your financial situation. What past financial indiscretions prompted this?

You know, I really don't know! I think she may be concerned from her own financial hardships in the past (at one point her teaching salary was carrying a family of four). Or, it could be that I do not have that Jone's gene of not spending money. Everyone else in my family is really good at saving - I'm better at enjoying!

4. We took Salsa dance lessons together back in the fall and you continue to take them. You’re a good dancer and I know that you’ve been going to salsa bars to dance. Are you secretly hoping to snag a little Latino man?

You figured out my secret! No, I have to say I really have no preference in what nationality my man is...but if he can dance, that is a huge bonus!

5. What meal would you prepare if you had Canada’s political leaders over for dinner and what topics of conversation would you pursue?

Really!? That's your last question? You are soooo mean. Okay, first off, I would hold a pot luck - those politicians get enough free rides...let them do something for me!! My share of the meal would be something with fish - planked salmon, BBQ prawns, sauteed scallops. As for discussion - really what does it matter! It's all bull shit that comes out of their mouths!! But if I had to choose one topic, it would be interesting to see how close you could get all of them working together to make Canada the best it can be...In other words, how far would they all be in agreement on all general issues. However, this conversation would not last long as I'm sure they would all start debating and raising their voices, maybe even start yelling, and that would make me very uncomfortable and and I would have to leave in an attempt to find my happy place. Oh gawd - PLEASE don't make me have this dinner!!

So there you have it folks. Now apparently I was supposed to copy and paste the instuctions on this, but now can't find it...but if I remeber correctly in my comments section you can ask me to interview you. I'll post your questions on my blog and then you copy and paste into yours along with that right?

Friday, January 13, 2006


Okay, apparently I don't understand the meaning of a time the latest post (besides this one) is below my last post!?! I didn't realize that if you save a draft, it gets posted in order of dates saved - makes sense though...guess that's why I'm so pretty.

Any way, one picture went missing when I posted so I can add that now.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Post Coming

Too busy!! This move is killing me! I am working on a post with photos of the condo and how things are coming along - but I just don't always have time at work to put these posts together. Soon though, I promise, soon you will have a new post that's interesting to read.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Slow Moving

It's been a bit since my last post, but I've been so busy with moving and work (okay, not so much work, but sometimes it's just not possible to do these personal things at work). So I've been really busy with moving and quite frankly, I'm exhausted from it!! I spent last weekend painting for two days and then moved on the third day (I took Friday off to paint). I think by Sunday night I was a walking zombie I was so tired! But the work is starting to pay off. Here are some photos of the disaster so far.

Now I just need to go shopping to get the rest of the items I need to help organize things - when you have little space, you need to be savy with it! Hopefully a house warming will be happening before the end of the year!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My Birthday Me?

Your Birthdate: December 30

You have the type of personality that people either love or hate.
You're opinionated, dramatic, intense, and very outspoken.
And some people can't get enough of you - they're totally addicted.
Others, well, they wish you were a little more reserved.

Your strength: Your flair

Your weakness: If you think it, you say it

Your power color: Scarlet red

Your power symbol: Inverted triangle

Your power month: March
I don't this really me? Am I really that out spoken?

Happy New Year!!

Well it's the beginning of a new year and I have a feeling this is going to be a great year! First off, I started the year without a hangover (that truly is a first for this gal!) and secondly, I finally got to move into my condo - YEAH!! I really don't know how much better it can get?!

Had a fabulous time at Reid and Joe's on New Year's Eve. They are so sweet; it was Reid's birthday that same day so they had a birthday cake for him, me and their friend Curtis. So considerate! And they know how to do a party up right, tons of food, wonderful martini's, party hats and noise makers (they forewent the ballons having found out my fear of them - also very considerate).

Party Host and Birthday boy

The Hostess with the Mostess!!
Brian, Alanis & Tracey

The Birthday Crew - Curtis, Alanis & Reid

A poor attempt at a Madonna Impersonation

Thank you boys for the fantastic night!! Also made a new friend Tracey, and I look forward to holidays in Kelowna and climbing in Skaha with her this summer!! Tracey I'm still considering the "pass it forward" you offered...maybe!

January 2nd marked the first day in my new condo...very exciting for a moment and then just cleaning for the rest of the day. I do wish I had taken more time off of work this week to work on things at home, but I guess working will help pay the bills as well. So this week, all my evenings will be filled with cleaning, prep work and painting and then finally Sunday (if everything goes well) I will be moved in! The excitement comes back again!