The Fish Mongress

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My new favourite game

Strip Mini Golf (played at Ryan's house). It's a game you just can't lose at!

Sorry - no photos this time :)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Bragg Creek Comp

This weekend just flew by! Of course I had to work on Saturday, so that never helps with the whole "I have a two day weekend" thing!!

Friday night was faily relaxing with mini-golf and dinner at Ryan's. We had the Frenchman over as well...I will admit, I'm still in awe when it came to cleaning up dinner. They made me sit and drink my wine while they cleaned up everything!! I'm not used to that - haha!! It was an early night as work starts early Saturday morning - blah!!

Saturday, once I was done work, I headed to the gym to climb with Chandra for a bit. Jon showed up as well and we had a short bouldering session too. I didn't work too hard though, as I was invited to a competition that evening out in Bragg Creek.

I met up with Pepe in the afternoon to head out to the comp. It was an interesting set up...The comp was held by a fellow climber, Dominique, who has built a bouldering wall in his 3-car garage. This was his third annual competition and it's by invite only that you may compete (my invite was solely through association). About 20 people showed up - I recognized most of them - and we were allowed 3 hours to climb. There were 30 different problems, each one worth 10 points, every fall you took attempting the problem you subtracted one point.

Number of problems I completed - zero!

Part way through the evening though, I realized this competition was set up for the small group of climbers who were invited - all of whom are excellent climbers (one of them even a professional). I didn't feel so bad then! I figure I added some entertainment value as well...I certainly still attempted lots of different problems and laughed lots!

After climbing, we visited, ate tons of food, drank beer and played a few games. Ryan and I didn't stay too long (he showed up late as he was taking a course during the day) which was fine by me...I could hardly keep my eyes open on the way home!

Sunday was the perfect rainy day...I felt no pangs of guilt staying home and doing nothing all day! I think my body truly appreciated that as well!

Here's a photo of Ryan and Cathy climbing - photos of me are on someone elses camera (hopefully some day I'll get some copies for me to laugh at!)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

So Random

It's Saturday morning, it's raining, I'm extremely tired and I'm at work...but life is good! I feel like sharing some random thoughts in my head (I'm in a rather weird head space today!)

I love feather rests on beds - puppy sitting this week, I got to sleep on one. It's like sleeping on a cloud (cloud 9 of course).

In door mini golf at Ryan's - still a ton 'o fun! Although I was cooking last night while the game took place (Pepe came over for dinner). Some how it was still fun for me even though I wasn't playing! I'm going to play the next game.

I have a stupid grin on my face all the time - I love the feeling that goes with the grin!

Excited to for the bouldering competition I'm going to tonight in Bragg Creek (in someone's basement!!). It's lots of climbers (obviously), food, beer and fun. I'm sure you'll get to read all about it next week.

I need a nap!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Long Weekend Fun

Tuesday morning after a long weekend and I will say - Life is Fantastic!! I think I'm still on a high from the weekend...the natural kind of course!!

The weekend started off with Kelly and Matt coming over to Ryan's house for a BBQ. We played a complete 9-hole game of mini golf inside Rye's house...It was a riot!! I look forward to many more indoor golf games!!

Saturday morning we were up early and off to Acephale to the lower wall (somewhat easier routes there for me) where I spent the morning working...."Keys Locked in Car" 10c?...(I need to get my own guide book because I don't remember!!). I made some good progress (in my mind at least - ha ha), but had to leave early to head back to town for a dinner. I left Ryan there and he spent the rest of the day at the upper wall working "Sweet Thing" (13something - or really hard!!). I looked like crazy girl walking back down to the car...someone mentioned to make some noise to keep the bears away. I had a wonderfully loud conversation with myself for the 35/40 minutes it took to get down the hill! Not a great time to run out of water either - very dry mouth when I got to my car...but was so happy to find bottled water we forgot in my car!!

Saturday night I met up with my dad and we went to visit Rose and Giermo (friends he met in Mexico) for dinner. It was such a beautiful night, but (and I should really know better) I was exhausted from climbing and ended up being the party pooper and leaving around 9pm...really sad considering I was the youngest there by 30years!!

Sunday morning, it was up early again (this time I woke up saying "oww - my body hurts!") and Rye and I picked up Chandra and were off to Lake Louise. Ended up having to take a bit of a detour due to a car accident, but still got there in fairly good time. Now this is where I have to admit that I am the most pathetic Calgarian my 31 years of life, that was the first time I'd ever been to Lake Louise! Truly sad - I know. (Thank you Ryan for finally taking me there!)

Lake Louise was fantastic!! First off, I really like the hike in - no up hill what so ever (yeah!!), the scenery is gorgeous and there's tons of routes to choose from. We spent the entire day there and got lots of climbing in...or at least as much as we could each handle! We were almost like walking zombies leaving, we were so tired!! I'm excited to go back though!

Rye, me, Chandra, Peggy, Sam & Hoggy

Chandra climbing

On our way back, we stopped in Canmore at the Rose and Crown to meet some more of Ryan's friends and to have dinner and pints. We didn't stay too long; keeping our eyes open at that point was really difficult! To say the least, it was early to bed again Sunday night.

Jeff, Danny, Andrea, Mike, Ryan & me

Monday it was yet another early morning...but this time I got to go home and take a nap...not so bad!! I ended up doing nothing all day Monday...and I think it was needed. My body definitely took a beating this weekend with all that climbing!! All well worth it though and I can't wait to get out to do more!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Prarie Climb

All right Jon - here's your mid-week post!

I was prepared to tell you all about the Big Rock Clean Up I was supposed to go to last night...but alas, plans changed. First off, what's the Big Rock Clean Up? It's an annual event put on by the Calgary Mountain Club to help preserve an climbing area out by Okotoks. From what I've heard, lots of people go, pick up garbage, drink some beer, do some bouldering and generally have a good time. Ryan and I had every intention of going last night...but then Ryan decided that with the beautiful weather we should really take advantage of Prarie (another north facing wall that's cold to climb on unless it's damn hot outside!!).

So we went to Prarie.

We stopped for some fantastic Vietnamese on the way out of town and then drove out to Powder Face trail to hike up to Prarie ... either it wasn't that bad of a hike, or I am getting used to hiking because it really wasn't that bad! We ended up being the only two up there and it was awesome!!

Ryan had me work a route called Pleb which is a 9+, and I managed to red point it on my third attempt!! (red point - climbing a route from start to finish with out taking or falling, but knowing how to climb it because you've worked on it) Not only that, I cleaned the route as well!! (Cleaning - basically securing yourself at the top of the route, taking your rope off and retying again through chains so you can bring down all your gear - scary!!). I was so excited for doing it! I also have to say that I admire Rye's patience with me and climbing and having to stay on really easy routes for him because of me...I appreciate it!!

Of course by the time I did red point Pleb (and I'm glad I did when I did because Rye said we weren't leaving until I did!) the sun was starting to set, so we hiked back to the car and drove back to Calgary. We decided that we were both starving (I had forgotten we had actually eaten dinner before we left; I was that hungry!!), so we stopped at one of Rye old watering holes (Buffalo Bill's - I think) for wings and beer - so yummy after climbing and hiking!! I think it was close to 11:30 when we got home and I will admit - I was exhausted!!

I hate my alarm clock and I'm tired today - but it's such a good tired!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Whirl Wind of a Weekend

It's Monday!! Time to post (Jon, I will try to do more than one post this week just for you!!).

It was a super busy weekend but so much fun was had!! Friday night, Rye came over for dinner and then we headed down to the Mercury for drinks with his friends from high school. I have to admit, it was dissapointing how little dirt they had on Ryan for having known him for so long. I expect better!! After a while, we sauntered over to the Rose and Crown to hang out with people from CCC for JayLo's birthday party. It was fun to see them outside of the gym...they're good people.

After far too many beers, we finally headed home and crashed. Saturday morning was not as pleasant as it could have been...damn hangovers!! That didn't stop us though from heading out to Acephale for the day. For my first time there, I think I did all right with the hike in...only a couple areas where it got quite steep - and I was somewhat embarrassed for having to stop and rest at one point - I realized afterwards that I truly was only 2 minutes from our destination!! Acephale for beginner climbers is not the kindest wall! I started working Batile which is an 11b (very hard route for me in other words!!) and couldn't even get past the third bolt. This is the easiest route at the upper wall of Acephale and was the warm-up route for the rest of the, I had trouble figuring out how to even start the damn thing!! Having frozen fingers didn't help either! So I didn't do much climbing at all but thouroughly enjoyed the camp fire and roasting marshmellows for the majority of the day!

By the time we got back to Calgary it was almost 7pm and I was supposed to be at Alex's (my salsa teacher) house for 6pm for munchies, wine and salsa videos. So I arrived late and camp-fire smelly (yup, I passed on showering - I'm sure Alex loved me for that!!). I got lots of info on salsa competitions and performances and hopefully in about a years time, I will be doing the same! I'm very excited for that!!

I was way too tired (and smelly) to go out dancing with her after, so I headed back to Ryan's where there was supposed to be a get together...but alas...I've finally met someone who throws parties like me. Ryan and his roommate were the only two there!! A couple of the guys who had been out climbing with us earlier that day did stop by for a bit, but I have to admit, I was delighted to be able to go to bed early that night.

Sunday was my first relaxing day so to speak. I did some much needed cleaning and laundry at home for the morning. I headed out to watch Melissa play base ball for a bit in the afternoon...where I managed to burn half my body very nicely (a walking piece of art I am!!) and then went home for a quick nap before heading to Leath's house for mommy's day dinner. And what a lively bunch we were that night!! We had eaten and cleaned up everything are were out the door to go home by 7:30! Of course as tired as I was, I wasn't smart enough to stay home, but instead met up with Ryan again to watch a movie. So another late night (really not smart to do on Sunday night!), but worth it!

I have a few things going on during the week...but I think I will wait and post later on about them...(would that make you happy Jon?)

And of course I also have photos from the weekend...but I forgot my camera today, so they will turn up here soon enough!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


As usual the photos are not up-loading!! Here's the second attempt.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Barrier Lake

It's Monday again and time to post!

Had a busy weekend this weekend, but it was fun! Friday night I went over to Ryan's for dinner (stuffed pork tenderloin and veggies - yummy!) and a movie (Fever Pitch - not that bad!). Spending time with Ryan is always a good way to start anything it seems these days and it was a super way to start the weekend!!

Saturday I had to work the morning...blah...but then I got to enjoy a nap almost all afternoon! I meant to only lie down for a half hour, but apparently turned my alarm off without knowing and slept for almost 2 hours. I guess I needed the rest and I refused to feel guilty about it! I then met Melissa for some afternoon cocktails and munchies. It was great to hear all about her trip to P.E.I and Halifax (I'm so jealous!). I dropped her off at Bart's parents place and then headed to Joey's Eau Claire to meet Ryan and Etienne for dinner. We had some really good laughs and I enjoyed hearing all their stories of climbing at Acephale that day. I'm looking forward to making it out there someday, but apparently I won't be climbing much there - way too advanced for this beginner! Ryan and I just went back to his place to relaxed and had an early night.

Sunday was an early morning. We decided to head out to Barrier Lake to go climbing with Chandra. Not a bad hike in...I'm still getting used to this hiking thing! The view was fantastic from the base, but the wind was not pleasant! Rye assured us girls that once the sun came out, it would be beautiful...and I'm sure it would have been beautiful had the clouds gone away as well. None the less, we pulled through and got some good climbs in - or at least good beginner climbing!! I took my first un-intended fall (scared the crap out of me) and I'm a little bruised from it but still very much alive! The sun did evenutally make an appearance just as we decided we were too cold and tired to carry back to Calgary we went.

Once we got back into town, it was a quick shower and off to mom's for dinner. I felt bad at 7:30 when I told her I had to leave...I could hardly keep my eyes open! It was another early night for me!

I have a feeling that many of my post-weekend posts will be about climbing now...sorry.

Friday, May 05, 2006

What to do?

It's Friday; almost noon; and I have nothing to do!! I am so bored at work right now and the worst part is trying to appear to be busy. I do not want to admit my bordem at the office in fear that there's some horrific job that actaully does need to be scrubbing some corner floor with a toothbrush! It's way too geogeous outside to be sitting in-doors doing nothing.

3 more hours till quiten' time!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Ryan having a snack - and no - harnesses do not look appealing on men!!

My belayer paying close attention to my climb!!

The view at Grassi

Leads at Grassi and More

I have to say this was a fantastic weekend! Of course Ryan and I went to Grassi Lake on Friday after work and I completed four climbs - all of which I lead!! I was super excited to find out the last climb I did was rated a 9/10a...we forgot the guide book to know what routes we were actually climbing! It was an awesome experience and I can't wait to get out and do more! We stopped in Canmore for dinner at the Grizzly Paw on our way back to town and I have to admit, I can't remember a beer ever tasting so good! I guess that happens when you put that much work before hand - Ha Ha!! It was pretty late getting back to Calgary, so it was home and off to bed right away for me.

Saturday ended up being a busy day with lots of errands to run and cleaning to do. I went to CCC for a couple hours in the afternoon and had a fairly good session with Chandra and Etienne (which also included drinking green tea and eating cookies!). I was ticked with myself for not completing one route I've been working on for a while now...I fell off going for the very last hold and had no energy left to attempt it again. Shit! I had fun just the same!

Saturday evening involved family coming over for dinner. Cousin Michelle and hubby Dave were originally invited, then dad got back from PV and I could hardly wait to see him so he got the invite and then, of course, you have to invite mom and sis. It worked out well and a lively bunch we were that evening. Everyone was fed-up full , fading off to sleep and left at 9pm. Yeah! Party animals!!

Sunday's sleep-in was greatly appreciated as well as a generally relaxing day...until...I realized I had to get my taxes done and the person who helped me was my Uncle in High River. So Sunday turned into a nice day for a drive out in the country! Sunday night Ryan came over for dinner and movie (which we never got around to watching - much more interesting conversations going on instead!), but it ended up being a very late night and I"m certainly paying for it today:(!

All in all though....terrific weekend!

Here's the photos I promised from Grassie.

Okay, so posting photos is not working right now...I will try again later. Blahghghg!

Hooray Hooray

Hooray Hooray
The first of May
Outdoor screwing
Starts today!!