The Fish Mongress

Sunday, January 21, 2007

And She Does It!!

I know there's tons to catch up on, and possibly some day I'll spend the time to do that...right now I don't seem to have much down time. My days consist mostly of work, dance, climbing, house hunting (for Rye and I) and resting (really that means sleeping - haha). But I do have to say that I finally achieved my goal of not coming in last place in a climbing competition! This past Friday was the second C3 Comp at the Climbing Centre and I managed 5th place (with a total of 8 contestants). Yeah!!! Middle of the pack!!! I was so excited!! It was an awesome night and I have to say I was very proud of many people for entering the comp (Chandra, Andrew, Allison, Nathan - way to go!!).

The pain I'm feeling now isn't so much fun - it's best described as the achy feeling you have with the flu, but without the flu...yeah a lot of pain in my muscles right now. I will survive!

In other news....

My very first salsa performance is coming up (other than the Student Night Out performances I've done in the past). Mambo Productions is putting together an evening called Jazz & Mambo Gala and there's a small section where the all-girl group I'm dancing with will perform. I'm rather excited about it as well as extremely nervous - haha! That's part of my not having a life right now; we're practicing a few times a week to get up to speed (and we really need to too!!). If you're interested in coming to watch (and then there's dancing for everyone after the show), it's at MacEwen hall on Feb. 16th at 9pm. You can get all the details at Mambo Pro

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year!!

The craziness of the holiday season is finally over!!!! Yeah!!!! And I survived too - it's pretty much a daze to me know and I don't know how I managed, but I am here to say that I survived!

I don't remember the last time I was so tired all the time - retail at Christmas is absolute madness! I apparently am getting lots of praises for managing the market so well (I laugh everytime I hear that...I pretty much was struggling just to keep my head above water!) and it was an awesome year for the market. I think the thanks has to go to everyone I work with - I don't know how I would have managed without them.

So it was crazy days at the market daily and then it was puppy sitting in the evenings, which really meant that I had to run "home" and walk/feed the dog, then usually change my clothes and run off to what ever event was going on that evening. It truly was a none-stop month!

I know it seems like I"m complaining a lot (I possibly am), but I was just exhausted for all of it. Was it worth all the effort? Absolutely! Highlights of December:

Visit with Melanie, Suresh and Savith
Visit with Allison and Jarred
Visits with Mikaela and meeting her boyfriend Kevin (sorry that snuffalupogus didn't make it out guys)
Christmas with my family
Dinner with Lynne
Dinner with Hali
Dinner with Melissa & Bart
Ryan coming home (personally my favourite event this season - my opinion may be biased!)

Downfalls of December:

No rest

Now I was holding off somewhat with this post as I was hoping to be doing this on my new laptop!! Yeah to joing Christmas/Birthday presents!! I just got it today from my love and unfortunately have since found out that it's defective. So tomorrow I will return it for a new one and possibly have a new post for tomorrow...but I really wanted to download photos on my laptop and not on Ryan's roommate's computer (but I really appreciate him letting me do that all along!).

So hopefully tomorrow things will run better and I will be posting more often - much easier with your own computer!

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year!!!