Holiday Cheer
It seems like this holiday is never ending and I really need a holiday to recover!! Christmas ended up being really nice with a few dinners (one very last minute, but very much appreciated) and lots of visiting with friends. It started on the 22nd at Mikaela's parent's house with our annual "Girl's Christmas" - we're going to have to alter the name as more and more husbands are turning up each year. The evening was fantastic with tons of food, drink and laughing as we reminised about our school years together (Allison, Mikaela, Shelley and I all met in Junior High!)
Shayna, Geoff, Mikaela and Allison
Joe, Jarred & Jennifer
The evening took on a different direction when we started talking about blogging (Jarred is becoming an avid fan and I'm trying to convince him to start his own blog) and every subject after that came back to blogging (or my cleavage...and it is a great place to hide snacks for later!).
One topic we covered is Mikaela's taste in music and I was reminded of the radio show she hosts in Montreal. Check it out (and I promise to do the same some day!). It's called Lessons in Lo-Fi and you can hear it at If I remember correctly it's on Fridays from noon to 2pm EST. I don't really know what it's all about, but I hope you all enjoy!
Work in between the festivities was crazy, but to be expected working in food service. We managed to get a quick pose in for what we think should be our Christmas card next year (ha ha!).
The North Sea Troups Tyler, Mark, Dean, Sue, Seamus and me...What a pretty bunch!
On the 24th Melissa had me over for dinner along with her cousin and Bart's dad...I ate way too many appetizers and then could hardly eat my dinner - but I'm thouroughly enjoying the left overs she sent home with me. It was a nice, relaxing evening and she spoiled me rotten!
I got to enjoy turkey dinner again on the 25th as well at Marie and Peter's. It was all very last minute, but we managed to have our usual Christmas with the family (less my parents who are enjoying Puerto Vallarta right now), which was such a nice surprise. My sister Aletha and I knew we were going to Pete and Marie's (we found out on the 24th!) and were surprised to find out Aunt and Uncle there as well when we was a fantastic night!
The whole fam-damily
Of course Christmas doesn't end on the 25th for me (my family is all about spreading out the holidays) on the 26th I went for a visit again with Mikaela; had a great lunch at Earl's and then went to visit Kathy and Roger before their Christmas dinner (poo for me eating too much at lunch and not having room for prime rib!). I had to decline the dinner invite that evening because of my full belly, but also because I know I have absolutely no self control and would be horribly hung-over for work the next morning (damn work!).
Now it's a few days before New Years (and my birthday) and it doesn't look like anything is slowing down...I had a Christmas dinner with Jon last night, tonight is drinks with Rich, tomorrow is birthday dinner with Kathy and Roger (it's Rog's b-day too), Friday night has yet to be determined...(I'm up for ideas as to what I should do for my birthday)...and then New Years with Joe and Reid.
Some day the craziness will end!...I think!