The Fish Mongress

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Holiday Cheer

It seems like this holiday is never ending and I really need a holiday to recover!! Christmas ended up being really nice with a few dinners (one very last minute, but very much appreciated) and lots of visiting with friends. It started on the 22nd at Mikaela's parent's house with our annual "Girl's Christmas" - we're going to have to alter the name as more and more husbands are turning up each year. The evening was fantastic with tons of food, drink and laughing as we reminised about our school years together (Allison, Mikaela, Shelley and I all met in Junior High!)

Shayna, Geoff, Mikaela and Allison

Joe, Jarred & Jennifer

The evening took on a different direction when we started talking about blogging (Jarred is becoming an avid fan and I'm trying to convince him to start his own blog) and every subject after that came back to blogging (or my cleavage...and it is a great place to hide snacks for later!).

One topic we covered is Mikaela's taste in music and I was reminded of the radio show she hosts in Montreal. Check it out (and I promise to do the same some day!). It's called Lessons in Lo-Fi and you can hear it at If I remember correctly it's on Fridays from noon to 2pm EST. I don't really know what it's all about, but I hope you all enjoy!

Work in between the festivities was crazy, but to be expected working in food service. We managed to get a quick pose in for what we think should be our Christmas card next year (ha ha!).

The North Sea Troups Tyler, Mark, Dean, Sue, Seamus and me...What a pretty bunch!

On the 24th Melissa had me over for dinner along with her cousin and Bart's dad...I ate way too many appetizers and then could hardly eat my dinner - but I'm thouroughly enjoying the left overs she sent home with me. It was a nice, relaxing evening and she spoiled me rotten!

Rob, Bart, me and Melissa

I got to enjoy turkey dinner again on the 25th as well at Marie and Peter's. It was all very last minute, but we managed to have our usual Christmas with the family (less my parents who are enjoying Puerto Vallarta right now), which was such a nice surprise. My sister Aletha and I knew we were going to Pete and Marie's (we found out on the 24th!) and were surprised to find out Aunt and Uncle there as well when we was a fantastic night!

The whole fam-damily

Of course Christmas doesn't end on the 25th for me (my family is all about spreading out the holidays) on the 26th I went for a visit again with Mikaela; had a great lunch at Earl's and then went to visit Kathy and Roger before their Christmas dinner (poo for me eating too much at lunch and not having room for prime rib!). I had to decline the dinner invite that evening because of my full belly, but also because I know I have absolutely no self control and would be horribly hung-over for work the next morning (damn work!).

Now it's a few days before New Years (and my birthday) and it doesn't look like anything is slowing down...I had a Christmas dinner with Jon last night, tonight is drinks with Rich, tomorrow is birthday dinner with Kathy and Roger (it's Rog's b-day too), Friday night has yet to be determined...(I'm up for ideas as to what I should do for my birthday)...and then New Years with Joe and Reid.

Some day the craziness will end!...I think!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I hope Santa was wonderful to everyone and you're all having a very Merry Christmas!! I'm enjoying a restful day of doing nothing but look forward to eating tons of turkey tonight. Yummy...I love gobble, gobble!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Here's a quicky

The maddness of it all! Has the holiday season always been this busy? I truly don't remember the past years being this hectic. Ah well, it's still nice that most of the hecticness (sp?) is being spent with friends and family.

I had a good weekend, spending Friday night with Brad and Derek baking cookies (7 batches!!) until the wee hours of the morning. Fortunately they let me spend the night because I couldn't see straight for all the raw cookie dough I consumed (or maybe it was the Baja Rosa?). The Saturday morning it was up, bright and early to finish baking (thank gawd I only do this once a year!!). I got to join Brad at his yoga class that morning...the first time I've ever done yoga. Rather interesting...not as easy as it looks. I then scooted home and got ready for our family Christmas gathering out in High River with the reli's.

I know, how corny! But it's my family and I will's fun!

Sunday I actually slept in with out feeling pangs of guilt for not getting up and doing. I enjoyed a relaxing breakfast and then headed out to meet Jon for a bit of bouldering and the we went shopping and enjoyed a pint and grub and a visit with Joe at Swans. Also got to see what Santa's up to before Christmas!

Now it's back to work (ugh!). I met up with Kelly last night for Sushi (yummy!) but enjoyed a fairly quiet evening otherwise. This morning I was reminded of why my mother had children as I got up at 4:00am to drive her to the airport...she's off to Puerto Vallarta to visit dad and family for Christmas! And now I sit here at work, it's way too early, and I only hope that I manage to stay awake thoughout the day!!

Tonight I'm meeting up with Jon again to go climbing at the Calgary Climbing Centre and then tomorrow is my last salsa class before the holidays. Thursday night it a get together with friends and then Friday I think I finally get to relax! Whew, it's a busy time!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Craziness of a Time

I'm going to apologize now for the few posts you're going to see over the next month or is just way too busy and having a computer only at work, there isn't much time to blog. So I'm going to try and get a good one in today and then it may be the New Year before there's any more.

So yes, life is busy! But December always seems to be that way. I spent the past week puppy sitting (that's Niki to the left), which adds to the hectic pace as I then had to go "home" every day to feed/walk/pay attention to the dog. But I do love puppy sitting, so it wasn't all that bad. In between running from work to Niki, I also managed to squeeze in climbing a couple of nights, salsa dancing on Wednesday as well as shopping with Melissa, attended an open house at The Dance Studio Saturday night (more dance classes for me in 2006!), visited with Allison Saturday afternoon and more shopping on Sunday again with Melissa. Wow it really was a busy week.

I'm trying to calm things down a bit this week, but I don't think I'm being too successful at it. The realization that Christmas is just around the corner and then moving a couple of weeks after that is looming rather heavily on me. So this week holds lots of phone calls to set up things like phone/utilities/etc. (Oh by the way, I just signed all the papers this morning so it is truly all official now!), finish Christmas shopping, dance on Wednesday, get a visit in with Kelly (that's the next kitty-sitting job), bake cookies on Friday and Saturday, 2 Christmas parties to attend Saturday night and drive mom to the airport for Mexico (yeah, that's a 6am appointment). I keep thinking that I'll be so happy once January comes and the craziness is over, but then I realize that it's only going to be different kind of crazy - really, when is my life not crazy?! Maybe I'll be back to "normal crazy" soon.

Any way, I hope everyone reading this is doing well and if I don't get the chance in person to do so I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Midst Weekend Report

Oh dear...I'm puppy sitting again and I've drunk half (okay 3/4 to almost whole) bottle of wine by myself, taken Nikki (the pup) out for a walk and had to turn down an opportunity to visit friends at the bar (because I'm already too drunk to drive!!!). Yes, my life is something to be insperational to others....really shouldn't blog when drunk! It is Saturday night and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my evening at home. Really?? That's not really me, or is it now? I did go out last night with my friend Allison. The evening could have been spectacular, but ended up being just so-so. No fault of Alli's. We met at the Yard house (heating busted there and wayyyyy tooo cold to stay and drink) but before leaving, her friend (along with a couple of male companions) showed up to join us for the evening. From there it seemed to be a downward spiral for me. I met a gentalmen ( not to be mistaken with the "Order of Gentlemen" - I'm sure that would have been way more fun) by the name of Captain Bruce at Melrose. Nice enough man, age 60-something I would gather, thinks I have a "great personality" and am good looking...I'm way too nice and ended up chatting with Cap't Bruce for too many hours (eventually Alli did save me from him) - I'm going to be mean and not show up on Sunday for brunch at Melrose with him...I know that makes me a bitch (you should be proud of me!). Then we tried to get rid of Cappy by going to the Metro 17th, but unfortunately someone in our party told Bruce that's where we were going. Guess who showed up at the Met? Not only that, by the time we got there, we managed to lose one of our own group (I have no clue how that happened?!). I now really just want to go home but in true spirit, suggest a new location to the party and head off to the Bier Market. I really just want to go home. We get to the Bier Market (after finding a ticket on Alanis' car...damn secret parkade) only to get word from our MIA. Back to the Met to pick up MIA. Finally make it to the Bier Market. Please can I just go home?! It's now been brought to my attention that Alli's friend (completely intoxicated and already doesn't remember where she is) is infatuated with one of the "male companions", only to realize that he has a crush on me...not interested and I REALLY need to go home. Why is it that you can't enjoy your evening as soon as it doesn't go to plan?? 11pm and I went home. I was done - no where near intoxicated (I apparently left that for tonight) - just done. Alli and I get a second chance next weekend, but I really find it weird that when an evening changes from what you originaly plan, that either it's fantastic or "eih". Why does "eih" have to happen?

Again...really shouldn't post when drunk!