Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Crazy Busy
This summer is getting to be way too busy...some days I love it, other days I hate it! Last week was stupid busy with bosy boss away on holidays. Lucky me got to start at 5:30am three days in a row! Not so bad if I got to leave, no such luck for this girly! It's apparently hard to leave work early when everyone else in the office are at meetings or golf tournaments! So busy and LONG days! I didn't like that too much, nor did I like having to work Saturday as well...I do look forward, however, to this Friday when I get the day off again!! Yeah!!! Sleep in!!
Friday night actually wasn't that busy for me...Ryan I chilaxed at his house, played some chess and watched a movie. Saturday I got up early to work and then Rye and I headed out to Acephale for the afternoon. It was brutally hot when we arrived there. Hiking up hill in 33 degree weather is not fun!! Okay - it's not fun for me! Ryan was apparently still having fun hiking up:)!! I did enjoy dunking my hat in the creek everytime we passed by it though. All that said...I forget pain quickly! Haha!!
I had a great afternoon climbing (climbing gibberish coming now!). I free pointed the 11a warm up on my third attempt and feel pretty confident the next time I go, I'll be able to redpoint it. I'm pretty excited to accomplish that!
Saturday night, we had some wonderful pizza and enjoyed watching Point Break (Keanu and Patrick - hot, hot, hot!!?!).
Sunday was the Sun and Salsa Festival in Kensington. I helped out Mambo Productions selling salsa lessons for the day. It was a great day! Again, the sun was shining and hot! Tons of people made it out to the festival including my mom and Brooklynn. I got to take off a little early to go home with them and we (Boo & I) had a blast running through the sprinkler and playing volley ball in mom's back yard.
Once we were done playing in the sun (actually the rain ended that for us!), I headed over to Rye's house and we ended up going to Moti Mahal for dinner. It was yummy!
It's now Tuesday afternoon and I'm happy to report that my week is half over!! Two more days till the weekend for me!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Weekend Up-Date
It's busy this week for me as Bossy Boss is away on holidays for the week (I have to admit, Bossy has not been so bossy lately - rather nice!!) and now I have to figure out how to do his job and mine. Stressful at times, but I'm getting through it.
I had a fantastic they often seem to be...I actually got Friday off from work! Wow!! I didn't really know what to do with myself, so I ran some errands, visited some friends and hung out with Ryan after work. I'll get better at using these days off though as I apparently have a few "Friday's off" coming my way. Yay!!!
Saturday ended up being a lazy day. Got my hair cut (nothing drastic!) and then spent most of the afternoon and evening visiting with mom.
Sunday I was supposed to go climbing with Chandra - but apparently the bull riding she did during Stampede caused some damage to her ankle and climbing was out. So I hooked up with Rye and troops and we headed out to Acephale. I always find it a bit embareassing to have to say (but everything at Acephale is really hard!) but the route I'm working there is the warm up! Haha!! It's actually called "The 11a Warm Up". And yes, it is an 11a (if you know climbing routes, you now know why I'm working it!). I will be so psyched if I can send this route by the end of summer!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Weekend Report
I wish everyday could be a weekend - they're so much fun! I have a feeling though, that's not going to happen for another 30 years or so!!
Friday - I had to take my car into the shop for a leaky something underneath. Not sure what it is, but it's ready to pick up today and they didn't call to say "it's major "blah, blah" and is going to cost $bizzilions" so I'm assuming it was minor! One of the Reps at work was a sweetheart and leant me his truck for the weekend so I could still get around. So generous of him! Friday night I just hung out with Ryan and enjoyed an evening in (for a nice change!).
Saturday - It was my turn to work, so I spent the morning at the fish office. Rather a slow day, but I got lots done. I had to run a couple of deliveries after work and then met up with my friend Dave for the afternoon. We walked from my place down to Eau Claire and then back up 17th Ave, stopping at the Bier Market for a quick pint and then back to my place. It was hot and beautiful outside and that kicked my ass! I was exhausted for the rest of the day and didn't have any energy to do a thing! I mustered up enought get-go to get over to Ryan's house that evening and fortunately he was just as exhausted and we both crashed early.
Sunday is becoming a regular climbing day. We met up with Chandra and headed out to Cougar Canyon in Canmore. Gogeous walk in with amazing scenery everywhere...until the strom rolled in! Chandra was on a 10c route when it hit...she tried her best to get to the top to clean it, but just couldn't. So then Ryan had to climb up to clean the route. At that point, it was a full on storm and no protection from the rain what so ever!!! We looked like drowned rats by the time we left! Even though it was freezing and uncomfortably wet - we all had a great laugh and it was still, all in all, a good day.
Last night Ryan and I met up with his sister and dad for dinner at the Garlic Clove (I stink today!) and had a leisurly evening enjoying many different appetizers and fantastic wine. After dinner, we watched the rest of a movie we'd started earlier this weekend and then watched the lightning storm out side - pretty spectacular.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
8 Year Anniversary
Yesterday marked Melissa and my 8-year anniversary of friendship! We celebrated by going to Chianti's for dinner...gorging ourselves with way too much food and wine. I loved every minute of it!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Luckiest Girl!!
My opinion may be biased, but I think I'm the luckiest girl ever to have Ryan in my life. The sweetheart brought me these for making dinner last night.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Canada Day Long Weekend
It was a great weekend, full of activities, friends, adventure and fun! A breif overview...
- Appointment with Melissa and Bart's mom Mary to get "Pretty Toes"
- Kayaking at Bowness Lagoon (I need to build more confidence for rolling)
- Finished looking after Nikki
- Grocery shopping
- Afternoon visit with Kathy
- Dinner with Mom
- Movie and sleep-over with Ryan
- Climbing at Lake Louise with Ryan, Pete and Yvonne
- Dinner at the pub at Lake Louise Chateau (not the best experience)
- Was supposed to go to Acephale to climb but was too tired and sore so I stayed home.
- Laundry
- Bought my first Grigri - in burgandy!
- Visited with Melissa
- Brad came over for dinner (and brought dinner too - great guest!!)
Now it's Tuesday and back to "real work". Although a short week is always nice!!