Interview Questions for Alanis
1. You’ve said repeatedly that you despise working in the fish industry but you seem to keep going back to it. When are you going to move on and what do you plan on doing?
It's always so easy to go back to what you know and I know fish!! I think 2006 will be the year of better be, because I don't know how much longer I will survive at this job. What I plan on doing - I've always wanted to have my own business. Doing what - not entirely sure, but I really enjoy planning events/parties and make up.
2. You recently bought a condo, your very first place. Prior to that you were a professional house sitter and moved from place to place on a weekly and monthly basis. How does on go about becoming a professional house sitter?
It really all happened through word of mouth. You do it for one person and they tell people or you talk about when you were staying at so & so's looking after their snowballs really fast if you want it to. But a word of caution - it can be a lot of responsibility (actually having to go home on the weekends) and it can also get tiresome living out of a suitcase. Although it can also be a ton of fun!
3.Your Mom is constantly getting on you about your financial situation. What past financial indiscretions prompted this?
You know, I really don't know! I think she may be concerned from her own financial hardships in the past (at one point her teaching salary was carrying a family of four). Or, it could be that I do not have that Jone's gene of not spending money. Everyone else in my family is really good at saving - I'm better at enjoying!
4. We took Salsa dance lessons together back in the fall and you continue to take them. You’re a good dancer and I know that you’ve been going to salsa bars to dance. Are you secretly hoping to snag a little Latino man?
You figured out my secret! No, I have to say I really have no preference in what nationality my man is...but if he can dance, that is a huge bonus!
5. What meal would you prepare if you had Canada’s political leaders over for dinner and what topics of conversation would you pursue?
Really!? That's your last question? You are soooo mean. Okay, first off, I would hold a pot luck - those politicians get enough free rides...let them do something for me!! My share of the meal would be something with fish - planked salmon, BBQ prawns, sauteed scallops. As for discussion - really what does it matter! It's all bull shit that comes out of their mouths!! But if I had to choose one topic, it would be interesting to see how close you could get all of them working together to make Canada the best it can be...In other words, how far would they all be in agreement on all general issues. However, this conversation would not last long as I'm sure they would all start debating and raising their voices, maybe even start yelling, and that would make me very uncomfortable and and I would have to leave in an attempt to find my happy place. Oh gawd - PLEASE don't make me have this dinner!!
So there you have it folks. Now apparently I was supposed to copy and paste the instuctions on this, but now can't find it...but if I remeber correctly in my comments section you can ask me to interview you. I'll post your questions on my blog and then you copy and paste into yours along with that right?