Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Miss Social Butterfly - Pooped!
Well I had a great weekend visiting and catching up with all sorts of people - but I'm paying for it now! I'm exhausted!
Friday night was dinner at mom's and it was her friend Ellen (my true mommy) that was visiting in town. It was great to see her and catch up. We laughed until my stomach hurt...as we always do. Everytime I see Ellen and her and my mom get going, I wish I could travel back in time to see them in action...they have done some hilarious things in their past.
Saturday was full of running around. I went to visit Dolly (Kelly's cat) who had managed to get the lid off her treats jar and eat every last one of them. She then kindly regurgitated them on the floor to share with me. A lovely way to start the day I would say. I got a bit more of a visit in with Ellen and then headed off to the gym to do some bouldering. After two hours of that and ripping my fingers apart, it was home for a quick nap and getting ready for the whole clan coming over that night. It was a great night visiting with Geoff & Leianne, Ray & AJ, Dave and Ross...although I think my age is really starting to show...I hardly remember the conversations going on for the last hour as I could hardly keep my eyes open. Damn I hate being an old Fart!!
Sunday - to say the least, was very low key. I needed lots of rest to recuperate from Saturday. Visited Dolly again - no pukes that day - and stopped my mom's again, but missed Ellen as they were out for breakfast. I really didn't do much of anything until dinner when Kathy and Roger showed up for our feast of Mussels Marinere....Hmmmm Yummy!
Thank goodness Roger and Kathy are of an older generation, so 8:30 was the perfect time to say goodbye and good night. And yes, I'm that old that I was in bed and sound alseep by 9:30!
I think I may just need some more practice...I used to be able to do late nights/early mornings all the time!!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday Fallout
Well my weekend of entertaining has started off with one no-show. I hope this isn't a prelude to the rest of my weekend!! It's an understandable no-show though. Kelly and Matt were supposed to come over for dinner last night, I first visited Kelly to get my hair done - I'm a "real" blond now - and she was talking about what she needed to do before leaving today. Her Uncle passed away earlier this week and she's now off to Trail BC for the funeral.
It's a good thing she dyed me blond because I certainly had a blond moment thinking she was still going to make it over! Part of her chore list was to reschedule two days worth of clients at her salon, so she was working until 9pm last night. So really, I'm not sure how I didn't figure it out right away that she wasn't coming over!
So my Thursday night ended up being very relaxing. I put the Mexican Lasagna I made in the freezer for a future get together, made the appetizers I need for this evening, worked on a cross word puzzle, had a bath, did some streching and went to bed. It turned out to be rather an enjoyable evening, even if it was without company.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Up Coming Weekend
I have a very busy weekend coming up and I just realized that I'm quite poor for all the entertaining that's about to take place. I'm going to have to find ways to be crafty to get through.
I have my friend Kelly and her boyfriend Matt coming over this evening. Matt's an electrician and I have a couple of issues at home he said he'd look into for me...if it only costs me a dinner, I can live with that.
Friday my mom has asked me to come over for dinner. I ask the reason why and she tells me I just need to be there for dinner. My mom is the worst ever at keeping secrets and although I commend her efforts this time...she forgot to not mark the occasion on her calender. So Friday night is dinner with my "true mom" Ellen and I'm excited. Ellen and my mom have been friends since grade school and Ellen, for as long as I can remember, lives in Toronto, so I don't get to see her all that often. Honestly, my character matches more closely to Ellen than anyone in my family, it's almost eerie!
Saturday night I'm having the 'Ole clan over - Geoff and Leianne, Dave and Erin, Ray and AJ and Ross - for beers and cards.
Then to finish off the weekend I'm having Kathy and Roger over on Sunday for a much overdue dinner.
My gosh, you could almost say I'm a social butterfly! If I survive this weekend, I think I'll be out of the social scene for a while to recover. Ha - who am I kidding?!
Psycho, Crazy Dance Partner for Sale
My dance partner is driving me crazy!! However much my friends tell me that he just wants to be friends with me, all I see is some potential stalker psycho killer...maybe I'm over reacting a little. He truly just annoys me and I, unfortunately, am too nice to be a bitch to him. I realized his freakish possessiveness when I mentioned last month that I was excited to dance with new people this semester. Michael (psycho crazy guy) did not agree. He was quite adiment that I do not dance with others. He and I are partners and he doesn't want to dance with anyone else, so therefore, I shouldn't want to dance with others either. I made it as clear as I possibly could that I was going to dance with other men in my class this semester. I'm not quite sure how he's taking that right now...he's always watching me when I dance with someone else. And now he seems to have changed the emphasis and is trying to get me to go out with him.
Every week I see him he asks what I'm doing for almost every day of the week. I've had excuses as lame as "I need to stay home and eat the rotting vegetables in my fridge!!" Last night I almost lost it on him. I forgot my water bottle at class last week - really not a huge deal, but it's a Roots water bottle and I really like it. I couldn't find it for a while and Michael kept on about how he would just get me a new bottle.
"Alanis I have lots of water bottles at home, I'll bring you one next week."
"Michael, it's okay, I'll be fine without it. I just really liked that one."
"No, no, I will bring you a new one. It's free! Don't worry, I will bring you one."
"I have other bottles at home as well. It's not necessary. Don't worry about it."
"No really, I have lots at home. I have those Gatorade bottles. I will bring you one next week."
In my head - Get a fucking clue! I don't want your damn water bottle!!
In the end I did find my precious water bottle and am now off the hook for having Michael bring me one next week. I'm not off the hook from his freakish behaviour.
Anyone want to come to class and dance with Michael to give me a break - He's really nice?!?!?
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Mexico Photos
Here are some photos from my trip to PV...If you want to see more, let me know and I'll email the photo album...but there's about 150 photos in total - too many to post!

Huevos Divoriados at the market

Sexy ladies on the beach!
Doing my Tequila Shots

And the results of doing shots!
It's just one of those fucking days - or weeks I should say - where it doesn't matter what I do, work fucking suck!!! Apparently my boss (who I truly think his only goal in life is to make my life miserable) was wonderful last week, being all happy and considerate. Now that I'm home, he's all grumpy and moody again. Warm, fuzzy feelings flow intensly through me when I think of me being the reason for his fucked up attitude! I know the only way it's going to change is if bossy-boy does a re-hall on his attitude (not likely to happen ever) or I find a new job. Time to stop bitching and start looking.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I'm Baa-aack!
Why I came back, I'm not entirely sure, but none the less I'm back living in reality again. Looking at the weather that we're about to suffer through, I'm thinking I may have done better to leave on holidays now! Oh well, such is life and either way, I had a fantastic time in PV.
The weather was fantastic, the food was exceptional, the beer very cold and the Mexicans, as always, ever so generous! There's just too much to say about everything, so here are a few high-lites from the trip.
Of course seeing my dad is always a delightful moment for me. And I love his place and really appreciate where it's at in PV...nothing fancy, but full of character and right in the heart of Old PV.
Eating at Yogi's - my favourite restaurant that's a block and half up from dad's. The best meal in PV in my opinion and you're stuffed full for only $30 pesos...about $3.75 Cdn. Not many tourists either as the restaurant is further up from where tourists go and the couple who run the restaurant don't speak English!
Dancing at La Bodegita de Media (a Cuban club) with Roberto - an actual gentlemanly Mexican (with a few too many Michael Jackson moves thrown into the salsa dancing), and drinking Mojito's.
Eating Tacos and Quesedilla's at Louis' Taco stand at 2 in the morning.
Finding Toto's bar (the local hang out that's only a block away from dad's) where cervesa's are only $12 pesos...no margarita's there if you're interested though.
Swimming in the ocean.
Eating Chile Reno's at Eva's stand...I was sad that she had to move from where she used to be (in this beautiful park) and she's now behind the fish market (very stinky) just off the beaten path...I really hope she can still make a go of it.
There's just so many! That's a few to start with. As for photos, you'll have to wait a day or two. I didn't want to spend the time at work on my first day back downloading pictures. I didn't think that would go over too well with certain people here at the office.
In the mean time though...for all of you out there reading this...I hope you all have a very Happy Valentine's Day!!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Three more sleeps!!
That's it and then I'm on a plane to sunny Puerto Vallarta! I can hardly wait. I've come to the conclusion that my patients ware thin when I know a holiday is in the near distance...everyone at work tend to irritate me a bit more, I'm a tad bit more tired everyday and I really just want to go now! Of course that could just be the job itself too.
Any way, having been to PV several times, there's many things I'm excited to get too again... most of them having to do with food and some new places/events have been brought to my attention aswell, so I'm curious to try them out as well. But I thought I'd list out some of my favourite things to do in PV to share with you.
Sitting at Buro's Bar with my feet in the sand, a margarita in one hand and fresh chips and salsa in the other, watching the sun dip down into the ocean.
Going to Yogi's (a hole in the wall about a block up from my dad's) for Queso con Chorizo (their version of cheese fondu - Yum!)
The market (up stairs) for Huevos Divorsados and Hamica Juice...best breakfast ever!!
Two for one Margaritas on the beach - I love it when I forget and order two and end up with four!
Going to Eva's (my dad's friend who lives about an hour out of PV) for dinner...usually a meet dish of somesort is served, but always with my favourite - Chile Renos...The best ever!
And of course, you have to go to one of the stands on the road side for tacos and churo's.
You see, everything has to do with food! Oh I can hardly wait...I want to be there now!
Oh anybody want anything? I can't promise I will remember, but sometimes I can get my shit together and remember stuff.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Early Mornings Make for a Grouchy Me
It's not quite 8:30 am and I've already been at work for over 3 hours! My work started this last week where once a week I have to come in early so my boss can sleep in, in an effort to make him happier (notice it's happier, not happy). So I've been up since 4:15 and am feeling almost dizzy I'm so tired. Even the dogs I'm looking after right now, looked at me as though I were fucked in the head when I was trying to get them to go outside this morning! The more I think of it, the more I realize that I'm crazy for not looking at other employment opportunities now. Time to adjust my way of thinking and start looking!